Friday, June 30, 2006

June 30 - Once again!

They were talking about the Graceland visit in the breakroom at work right now... I guess the TV (which was turned to a local news channel, not our channel) had a story about it...

June 30 - Enough about this already

Been hearing about this way too much....

From defamer...

· We're glad Prime Minister Koizumi can finally dispel that tired old stereotype of the Japanese being obsessed with American celebrities and culture. (By the way, doesn't the President have, like, war shit to attend to before hitting the Karate Wing at Graceland?)

June 30 - Another answering machine message

Whenever I work nights, I always come home to interesting messages. Today it was another friend saying did I want to see Wanda Jackson this weekend and how the LA Weekly had a picture of her and "you know who... Elvis."

Thursday, June 29, 2006

June 28 - Not Dolly Parton

When I got home from work there was a message from my friend whom I had made a "latest country hits" CD for saying how much she liked that new Dolly Parton song. It's not Dolly -- it's someone I've never heard of but downloaded it because it was on someone's iMix list. Inspired by the message, I played the song again to hear if it indeed was Dolly-esque and heard the lyric that referenced Elvis, which I had forgotten about. P.S. It's Susan Haynes and the line goes: "My radiator growls like Elvis after Sunday dinner..."

June 28 - How much do I love YouTube?

There are over 700 entries for Robbie Williams. Tonight I watched a bunch, and the very latest one posted was him doing a promo for his book, with clips including his pre-concert Serenity prayer which starts "Elvis, grant us...."

June 28 - Passing the TV at work

True, the tvs at work on are 24 hours a day, and there are 4 different broadcasts at all time, but it's amazing how often I look up while passing one and catch a glimpse of Elvis. Tonight it was perhaps a countdown list, because it was 70's eera Elvis and then went to a talking head.

June 28 - Fred 62 review

Reading an old issue of LA magazine (not this one, but the Hollywood one) while getting my hair done and saw a review of diners, with a mention of Fred 62 and how they have Elvis-themed Hunka Hunka Burning Love peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

June 28 - T-shirt in the elevator

I've been meaning to get back to this, but it was a super busy two weeks. But today I passed a girl heading the elevator wearing an Elvis shirt in the hipster style and I thought I've got to get back to logging the daily sightings. And then I had 5 today, so really, no excuses, time to get back in business!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

June 7 - Another report about the house

"HUNKA HUNKA BURNING MAD: Spoon-bending psychic Uri Geller all shook up after learning that the home once owned by Elvis Presley that he thought he purchased on eBay last month was actually sold to Nashville producer Mike Curb. Guess his psychic powers didn't tell him that was going to happen."

June 7 - Braggin' rights

Watching an interview with Linda Thompson's sons... when asked to tell someone who they are, who their family is, they ID's their mom as having lived with Elvis for many years.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

June 6 - Guess who used to impersonate EP as a kid?

He mentioned it in an interview with Ricky Gervais on YouTube.

June 6 - Variety reports

That Dakota Fanning's going to do an indie film in which she "overcomes the effects of abuse by singing and dancing like Elvis…"

June 6 - Amazon email

Amazon emailed me suggesting I'd like this book, based on my previous purchases. Surprise, I've owned it for years. You don't know everything, Amazon!

Monday, June 05, 2006

June 5 - EW goes Elvis crazy!

So I'm barely 10 pages into this week's issue, which arrived very late -- but already one of the first pages is a fullpage photo of Graceland interior (I'm sure there will be an article later explaining this) and the Idol wrap up mentioned Elvis. So two so far -- many more to come, I'm sure...

June 5 - Breakin' Records

CMT was counting down Shania Twain's 25 greatest moments, and one was about her being the best selling female artist ever -- and when mentioning other big record holders, Elvis was mentioned...

June 5 - We Will Rock U!

Watching Robbie Williams' music video for Queen's We Will Rock You on the A Knight's Tale DVD -- and there's a quick flash of an Elvis tattoo (not this one, a better one with '68 special pose) and then Robbie rambles something about the King...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

June 4 - Reports are apparently true

IMBD reports on it today:

Geller Misses Out on Elvis House
Paranormalist Uri Geller is fuming after discovering Elvis Presley's former home, which he bought on eBay, has been sold to someone else. Last month Geller made a successful $905,100 bid on eBay for the Tennessee property Presley lived in before moving to Graceland. But the owners snubbed the deal and sold the four-bedroom house to a foundation formed by music producer Mike Curb. Geller, who planned to turn the house into an Elvis museum, says, "We are absolutely, mind-blown angry. Of course we're going to sue." But eBay warns its rules will make it difficult for him to sue. Spokeswoman Catherine England says, "The platform we provide in real estate really serves to generate interest. It isn't a legally binding contract."

Saturday, June 03, 2006

June 3 - Selling a used car

Lounging in bed, watching cable in the am, and decided to watch Raising Helen -- totally forgot about the scene where she sells a "loud" car to Larry Miller by invoking the names of Sinatra, Martin, and Elvis.

June 2 - Old issue of Blender

I keep the Dave Chappelle version of Blender in the car for quick reading when I'm stuck somewhere killing time -- and yesterday I was reading an article (in the Chin Chin parking lot waiting for my food to be ready) which mentioned Elvis. Sorry I can't remember what the exact context was. I was hungry at the time...

May 31 - Surprise on the iPOD

I've loaded my random iPOD up with all the new albums I've gotten -- so every song is a new surprise. In the new Michael Buble live CD, he mentions Elvis in his intro to the song "Smile."

May 31- Idle chatter at the office "water cooler"

I was getting something from the snack machine, he was microwaving something, we were discussing the fire drill earlier. He mentioned Elvis -- in some context, I can't remember what. Then we went our own separate ways... Sigh...