Friday, August 18, 2006

August 18 - Sandler today

Today's repeat of Jonsesy's Jukebox was Adam Sandler as the guest -- and Steve was telling him about a guy named JP someone who sounded like a mix of tons of people, including Elvis. Can't remember JP's name...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

August 17 - Jonsesy's on holiday

So it was a repete on Jonsesy's Jukebox with Robert Plant, who seems like a very nice fellow! And when Jonsesy asked if Dion was Robert Plant's "guy," Plant said, "No, Elvis."

August 16 - Death Day

Yesterday was so crazy that I almost forgot it was the 16th -- and wondered why each time I passed a TV at work it was playing something Elvis related. Of course, it's the anniversary!

August 15 - A character in the book

Read the book as was surprised to find Elvis was a character in the book! Some would say not Eliz. Berg's best, but I cried nevertheless...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

august 10 - on the inside book flap

Picked up the new ELiz. Berg book from the library and the inside flap mentioned something about Elvis and Tupelo. Don't have the book handy to type the exact phrase.

August 9 - A co-worker overheard

"Vegas" and "Elvis-impersonator" were the words I caught from a co-worker on the phone, via her open office door.

August 12 - King Dork defines...

At the end of King Dork, the main character does a glossary, in which Che Guervara is defined as "A Latin American revolutionary famous for his sexiness and hip T-shirts. A cross between Elvis and Charles Manson. An inexplicably adored Holden Caulfield for the politically-minded."

August 11 - Two EW mentions

First, in the review of "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" book -- a quote from one of the characters in the book: "America's greatest revelation was no the atom bomb, not Fundamentalism, not fat farms, not Elvis, not even the quite astute observation that gentlemen prefer blondes but the great heights to which she has propelled ice cream."

And then also in the book section a review of Jerry Schilling's book Me and a Guy Named Elvis.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

august 5 - in small print

Having problems putting in photos, don't know why it isn't working.
Anyway, it today's EW, in the TV listings, for Sunday 8.13 the USA show The 4400, it says " Suri Cruise, aliens, Elvis, Jordan Collier..."

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

July 31 - Hollywood Nascar Hollywood Reporter

A full page ad in the Hollywood Reporter announcing a future issue devoted to Hollywood and nascar -- and the very last photo in a string of photos was Elvis in racing gear.